How To Use Blending Stumps

Hi there, my name is Ravi Gundal and today I will show you how to use blending stumps. Blending stump is a very useful tool in drawing. It makes our drawing looks more realistic. So today I will show you how to use it in a proper way. Here we start

Blending Stumps

Blending stump is stick of rolled paper. It is sharp like pencil from the both ends. It is very similar to the tortillions. It can be used with different mediums like graphite, charcoal and pastels. It is available in different size. So you can according to your need. There are many ways to use it in drawing. Some of them are listed below


Blending Stump is a great tool for shading. It gives a smooth finish to your drawing. You can draw a scribble from a pencil on a waste paper and you can pickup graphite from there and shade your drawing. You can remove exess graphite by rubbing on aclean paper and then shade your drawing. This is the trick I use for shading.


Blending stumps is mainly used for blending. You can simply use a clean stump to mix graphite in your drawing. Just push graphite right to left until tones blend together. This is the trick for blending.

How to clean a blending stump

Please insure that you are using clean blending stump otherwise it will make your drawing very massy. So there are mainly two method to clean a blending stump :

1. Sand paper

abrasive, oated, paper

You can use a sand paper to clean the stump. Just rub the stumps on the sand paper and you will get a neat and clean blending stump.

2. By sharpening

pencil sharpener, pencil sharpeners, supplies

This is the second method. You can sharpen a blending stump if it becomes very Massey. These are the two method to clean a blending stump.

Another tools for blending

Although blending stumps are the great tool for blending. But if you don’t want to use these, then there are many alternatives for the blending stumps. Some of these are listed below:

  • Cotton buds
  • Tissue
  • Finger
  • Brushes
  • Makeup brush

These are some blending tools you can use for blending. If you want to know how to use them properly then click here

Different mediums in which you can use a blending stump

Unfortunately you can not use blending stump in every medium. You can not blend colour pencils from it You can not blend paint. There are mainly two medium you can blend with blending stump.

1. Charcoal

2. Graphite

This a short tutorial on how to use blending stump. If you like it them share it with you friends.

Thank you


Different types of eraser

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