Hello friends, today I will show you how to draw kingfisher. Why kingfisher drawing, because I like this bird very much. Kingfisher is very clever and awesome bird. You may be lucky if you find some in wilderness. So let’s draw the Kingfisher.
First of all collect some tool before starting your drawing.
- Graphite Pencil
- Colour Pencils
- Eraser
- Paint thinner or baby oil
- Blender pencil
- Smooth Paper
- Surface to draw
Now draw the Kingfisher step by step
How to draw a kingfisher step by step
Step 1 : Draw the outline for the Kingfisher
First of all you have to select a photo you want to draw. Use a good quality photo. Then you have to draw the basic outline for the Drawing. You can use many different to draw perfect outline like grid method, observation etc. I am using here grid method for drawing outline

Step 2 : Choose the perfect colour
Choose the perfect colour for your drawing. I am using here prisma colour pencil. You can use whatever you want. Select all the perfect colour for your drawing.

Step 3 : Start colouring head
Start with the head. Iam using here sky blue colour. Don’t rush. Go slow while filling colour in drawing.

Now fill the yellow colour near the eye area as shown in refference image.

Step 4 : Blend
Because prisma colour pencil are wax based, we have to blend it by using a paint thinner or you can use a baby oil to blend. I am using here a baby oil. Apply the oil with the help of a paint brush and it will blend automatically. Leave it for half an hour to get dry.

Step 5 : Apply the second layer of colour
After baby oil get dry, apply the second layer of colour

Step 6 : Fill the beak and the eyes
Now grab a black pencil and fill the beak and the eyes with black colour. You can take a graphite pencil or black prisma colour pencil. I am using a dark graphite pencil. Also draw to black shape between the beak and the eyes

Now draw the black pattern on the head of the Kingfisher using the same pencil.

Step 7 : Fill the body with colour
When the head is completed, fill the body with the colour. Do it layer by layer. First apply the first layer and then use baby oil to blend and leave for the half an hour and then apply the second layer.

Step 8 : Apply the second layer

Step 9 : Final touch ups
Now fill the colour in the wood and make final touchups to make your drawing to pop up.

After all the final touchups the belted kingfisher drawing is ready to pop up. This is a short tutorial on how to make a kingfisher drawing. If you like this tutorial then share it with your friends also. If you have any question regarding this tutorial then ask me in the comment section below.