Hi there, on this website we have lots of traditional art tutorial. We have cover a lots of topic in traditional art. Today we will discuss about digital drawing. in this tutorial I will give you a simple blueprint on how to draw in digital medium. If you are a beginner this tutorial is very helpful for you. So without a further due let’s get started

How to make a digital painting
In this tutorial we will cover how to make a digital art. We will cover in several steps. I will break the process in simple steps on how to learn to draw digitally for beginners
Step 1 : Draw the rough sketch
First of all you have to draw the rough sketch of the painting you want to draw. I am going to draw here a female indian goddess mohini which is an avatar of lord vishnu. So her I draw the rough sketch on first layer.

Step 2 : Add flat colors
After finishing the sketch you can add flat colors to your painting. I will suggest you to add these color on a separate layer and you can add this layer below the sketch layer. You can put your sketch layer above all the layer. It will make the process easy.

Step 3 : Add light and shadow
Now above the flat color layer and below the sketch layer add a new layer for the light and a new layer for the shadow. You can draw light and shadow on the same layer but I will recommend you to do on separate layer so if there is any mistake can be avoided.

Step 4 : Add background
Now its time to draw background if you are drawing a character like me. Background layer must be below your the all layer

Step 5 : Add final highlights
Now add final highlights to your painting to pop up

Now you can hide the line art or rough sketch if you want in your digital painting

So this is the short tutorial on how to learn digital art. If you like this tutorial share it with your friends an d family. Follow The Ravi arts for more
Here is the full timelapes video of this painting. If you like consider subscribing my youtube channel