Rose is the symbol of love. This is not easy to draw because it’s is drawn by layer of petals. But today I will show you how to draw a rose step by step for kids. Hello friends, my name is Ravi Gundal and welcome to The Ravi arts.
Before starting the tutorial you need some tools to draw the rose and here are the tools
- Smooth paper
- Graphite pencils
- Colour Pencils
- Eraser
- Blender pencil
- Baby Oil
- Surface to draw
After having all these tools you can start your drawing step by step.
How to draw a rose step by step for kids
Step 1 : Start with the small shape
Start with this simple shape given below. Use graphite pencil to draw the guidelines.

Step 2 : Draw the first petals
Draw the first petals by as I draw in the given figure below. Iam using here a refference image. You can also use a refference if you want.
Step 3 : Draw the second and third petals
Now draw the second and third petals as shown in figure.

Step 4 : Draw more petal
Now draw some more petals as shown in fig. I am using refference to draw petals.
Step 5 : Draw last petals
Draw some more petals
Step 6 : Draw leaves
all the petals of the rose are drawn now it’s time to draw leaves.

Now the basic shape of the rose is ready, it’s time to colour the rose. Coloring is a fun process. I am using here prisma colour pencil. So start the process.
Step 7 : Start the coloring process
Now start the coloring process. Grab a pink colour and start in the middle portion where we started our drawing.

Step 8 : Colour the other petals
Now colour the other petals.
Step 9 : Colour the whole flower
Colour the whole flower.
Step 10 : Colour the leaves

After coloring the flower apply the baby oil on flower. You can do it with the help of a paint brush and leave it for half an hour.
Step 11 : Apply the second layer of colour
Now apply the second layer of colour.
Step 12 : Final touch ups
Do some final touche up and your drawing is ready to pop up.

This is a short tutorial on how to draw a rose step by step for kids. If you like this tutorial then share it with you friends and family.
Great tutorial, easy to understand.